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Karsten I. W. Kunert  

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Book Project "Women of Culture, Women of Change"

A book project by Karsten I. W. Kunert

This book, through images and interviews, profiles foreign women with different traditions and heritages living as a minority in other cultures. Drawings, prints, black and white photographs accompany the womans interviews revealing their personal experiences. Video taped interviews will be taken and shown at the opening reception for the book. The final book will be produced using four-color offset printing in a larger portfolio format. Projected completion date, Spring 2004.

Approximately forty women of different races living in the U.S., India, UK, Indonesia, and Germany will be interviewed, revealing the difficulties they experienced as women and as minorities in these countries. The questions asked pertain to their homeland, domestic views, and prejudices--for and against--living in a different culture and how they maintain their own cultural traditions within these foreign countries.

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